Thank you for your interest in Education Beyond. We are currently preparing for an advocacy event in June inviting experts from the United States and various pilot programs in early 2023.
Currently there is a lack of awareness of the challenges and needs faced by children with above average learning abilities and thus very little social support—especially in Japan. Indeed, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) finally launched the advisory committee for “Supporting Students with Specific Talents in Certain Fields in Schools'' only in July 2021. In the US, research in this field has been conducted since the 1970s, and Johns Hopkins University established the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) in 1979 to provide learning programs and guidance to gifted children and their families on a not-for-profit-basis.
Although we are 40 years behind the times, all of us who are involved in this project are volunteering our time in the hope that by establishing a community for Advanced Learners, their guardians and educations in Japan, we can help local children and families who are experiencing difficulties in their lives due to their different learning needs.
As mentioned above, we aim to hold an online advocacy event in June 2022 with guest speakers from CTY, and a pilot learning program for elementary school students in early 2023. We estimate that we will need approximately 10 million yen to hold these events, implement the program, and most importantly provide scholarships for students needing financial assistance.
Please support Education Beyond to build a community for young Advanced Learners and their families who are often isolated and still lack social support. We are looking for donors who are willing to support us with 300,000 yen, 500,000 yen, or 1,000,000 yen in the first year and we will recognize you as a Founding Supporter on our website (if you wish).
Support can be requested by clicking on the button below.