Classes to begin at the end of January 2023
2.5 hours from 9:00 a.m. on either Saturday or Sunday morning (9 sessions in total)
※ Kick-off event in mid-December and completion event on the last day of class are planned
One school facility in Tokyo, to be determined.
Eligible Grades
3rd to 6th grade elementary school students residing in Japan at the time of program participation
Must have taken the test designated by CTY or submitted a valid score to qualify (see "Application Process" for details).
Participating Fee
US$1,400 (to be announced on the website as soon as it is determined)
※ Tuition fee includes course tuition, course materials, insurance, and costs for the kick-off and completion events.
We offer scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% of the participation fee, depending on household income.
<Special Event>
Pilot Program for Advanced Learners
〜This curriculum is based on the LIVE program provided by Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth〜
※ This program is open to 3rd to 6th elementary graders residing in Japan.
※ To participate, student is required take the test designated by CTY or submit a valid score.
(See "Application Process" for details)
First, obtain the EB promo code
Pilot Program Application
Courses Offered
Courses will be determined based on the grade level of the applicant and his/her preference.
Please click here for more details.
Application Process
Please fill in the required information on the "EB Promo Code Application" form to obtain the promo code.
※ Promo codes can only be used by residents of Japan.
※ If you are already a CTYer, skip 01-03 and go to 04.
Create a new account from CTY’s homepage (Get Started).
※ When a new account is created, be sure to enter the EB promo code obtained in 01. The registration fee of $60 will be waived for this special offer.
Please apply for the SCAT test at the CTY website (Testing).
You can choose between taking the test at home ($60) or at a test center ($144).
※ If you already have other CTY-approved scores (e.g. MAP, etc.), please upload your scores to the CTY website (Existing Test Scores).
After taking the SCAT (or uploading your score if you have other test scores), please check your eligibility on the CTY website (MyCTY).
※ Since we plan to offer math and natural science courses in this pilot program, you will need to have a standardized Quantitative score on the SCAT.
Please apply by October 31 using the Education Beyond "Pilot Program for Advanced Learners" application form.
※ Registration is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2022.
Education Beyond will inform you of the course and send you an invoice for the participation fee (about one month after the application deadline).
Please pay the participation fee by bank transfer by the due date.
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions from our customers here. We would appreciate it if you could check it before contacting us.
<Special Event>
Pilot Program for Advanced Learners
〜This curriculum is based on the LIVE program provided by Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth〜
※ This program is open to 3rd to 6th elementary graders residing in Japan.
※ To participate, student is required take the test designated by CTY or submit a valid score.
(See "Application Process" for details)
First, obtain the EB promo code
Pilot Program Application